Tuesday, February 17, 2009

RIDE DAY: Long Co to Hoi An, VT

Day: 72.04 km
Cume: 1976.5 km
Avg: 17.5 kph
Max: 52.5 kph
Time: 4h6m
Highs: Hai Van Pass ROCKS now that Hai Van tunnel is open! with only fuel trucks and scant motor bikes who can't afford or don't like the tunnel, the lush mountains of Hai Van Pass, waterfalls every few kilometers, gentle grade and great (sad) views of lovely Long Co, acceptable downhill, unbelieveable 30kph tail wind between DaNang and Hoi An
Lows: ZUphill headwind on the way up Hai Van for a good portion of the way, the hockers on the top of Hai Van Pass (OMG: I decided to only speak Spanish, they were so ruthless), downhill not as exciting as all the reports I read about it, stayed about 30kph the whole way and didn't see those killer blind hairpin turns (sorta disappointing, cuz I was looking forward to a real rusher), wanted more time at Hai Van but couldn't stand the hockers trying to sell me coffee (running up to me and surrounding me with shouting)

1) I decided not to take the 5000 dong shuttle through the tunnel because I had read so much about this pass, I just had to see it and experience it for myself
2) I was so sad to leave Long Co, but will need to bring Sharon back to stay a while (especially to go back and see my friends and walk that beach again)
3) Yes, I decided to ride right through DaNang because there was a special festival going on in Hoi An this evening (the 15th day of the Chinese calendar each month is a lantern festival)...as my governor back home wisely said, "I'll be back."

Hai Van Pass. Hmh. 8%, 9.5 km up and same on the down. The book said killer scary adrenaline junkie hairpin turns on the way down to DaNang (such a disappointment). But, I did it and kicked it's butt and was so happy I did it because it's SOOOOO LOVELY up there! The mountains rise up verdant green with waterfalls tumbling down all the way from the top and you can see the falls all the way! Such a trip! The top was a disappointment...as I was riding uphill to the top, a crowd of cafe hockers came out of their stalls and started running down the road toward me shouting, trying to be friendly and then tapping on my bike and panniers as I rode by and didn't pay any attention to them (I have a new policy on hockers that they don't get my business). I stayed a scant few moments to shoot three photos and then rode off amid a shower of shouting and jeers from the hockers. Bummer. They didn't mention anything about this in the book.

DaNang is at first glance quite industrial. I found my way to the coastal route along the sand and cut down the horns and traffic by 60 or 70 percent, it was GREAT! I rode this route all the way to Hoi An with a brief stop to chat with my brother at a computer cafe in DaNang.

I'll stay in Hoi An for a few days to get the feel and explore.

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