Get the point?
(If not, you'll have to wait until I can upload more photos for clarification)
It's only been about 17 years of dreaming...and now, it's a reality.
...and, yes, I owe MANY posts. I've been in some very very rural parts of Laos and Vietnam for days and loving it! Will try to catch up soon. On my way to Hue where I'll have more time, but it's about five days out.
Doing well, hit the 1000 mile mark about 20km into Vietnam on a very loooooooonnnnnng downhill. Hope you all are well!
You Are Finally realizing that you owe us nothing! Just the quick word that you area alive! Live this moment, write when you can! We are all very proud of you, keep it up! You are an inspiration!
just think about all the squishes that we've been saving up for when you return; we won't go out for days.... weeks... the neighbors will come knocking and peering in the windows... i am so looking forward to that, but am sooooo happy for you today!!! Cal and me are cheering you on from Wood Lane! Carpe Diem : )
Hi Jamie. I am going to try and connect wth you on Skipe with Dad tomarrow February 8th.
Here are a couple message board blogs I posted to chew on:
My Pro Gay Marriage Blog:
Anti Howard Stern Retirement Blog:
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