Thanks to a brilliant suggestion of a lovely guest house in a "quiet" part of Bangkok, I'm now typing from a great little guest house along the river in Bangkok. All flights and connections went well as did the taxi ride. The bike box looks good from the outside, with the exception of stress marks on the handles. I watched it be loaded in Narita and the baggage handlers were very very good with it (thanks United). Gonna go open it up and peak inside before setting down for some more rest. It's 2:30 AM and I'm mostly awake.
Bangkok rests-
a silent moon reflected
in the rice paddies
I am soooo happy you have arrived!!
I got your txt and couldn't contain my excitement/relief, so my whole class heard me exclaim..."Yahooo, he made it!"
Everyone at school is cheering for you as well! Tavee house sounds like a great landing pad too. Can't wait to more about the sights, smells & of course your
1st Thai meal, will that be breakfast?? Anyways, go get some rest...Calvi is purring at the computer :) lots more soon...
xoxoxoxoxo, me
hi jamie this is your dad
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